Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home on the Plains

Well for those of you who didn't hear or notice, we moved. That's right we said good-bye to the Cache Valley, and the entire state of Utah and have now settled in the lovely plains of Nebraska. Okay so it is more of a city but you can imagine what it would be like if it were the plains. We have been back here since the middle of July and are starting to get a feel for the area. I will admit I have missed being able to go and randomly stop in at family and friends homes, but don't fear, Eden had an answer for that. She decided to make cookies for every apartment in this building and the next (they are 4-plexes) and we would deliver them so we could get to know our neighbors. I learned two things during the few minutes that we spent delivering these treats. 1. Although most the people back here are very nice most neighbors apparently don't drop cookies off to each other. 2. We are the minority in these two buildings.
We spent several weeks with family prior to moving out here so Zaida was used to a lot going on, or maybe living in the sorority house had something to do with that, regardless, to try and keep busy we have spent some time at two of the local county fairs and have been grabbing brochures and free magazines at stores and rest stops like true tourists. Eden learned that last weekend was the "Wild about Omaha" weekend (like I said, we are hard up for entertainment). Basically, it was free admission to the zoo and several other places in the city. We decided we would get up and head over early Saturday morning. By the time we drove the hour to Omaha the traffic to get of the free way to go to the zoo was backed up nearly a half mile so we decided to skip the zoo and visit Winter Quarters instead.
It was interesting to go back now. The last time that either of us had been was pre-temple days. I always find it interesting how positive and happy the pioneers were to live in those little cabins. We saw the cemetery while there and Zaida was more interested in having me walk her down hill so she could feel the effects of inertia and play with the flowers.
After we got back home Saturday night we discussed the option of going to Missouri to tour the church sites there this week before I start my research and school. I had a meeting Tuesday that I thought would firm up the day I started my research (it didn't) so we decided we would leave after church Sunday and drive down to Independence.
We saw the Visitors center in Independence and that was good for a history stand point. Zaida woke up earlier than usual that morning so by the time we were finished in the visitors center she was ready to head out. Then we went up to Liberty to see the jail. On Sunday we had the lesson on the revelations received by Joseph Smith while in Liberty Jail so the timing of the trip was pretty impeccable if I do say so myself. This site was a must visit. It was sobering to see the size of the jail in real life and think of the conditions as you stand there looking at it.
We decided to skip the other sites and headed back home. Since then things have become pretty boring. I have started my trainings to become certified to do my research and Eden is now busy tending to Zaida, which right now consists of lots of walking assistance and book reading, especially if the book has farm animals in it.


Sandy Cove said...

Zaida loves farm animals? Why does that not surprise me. I hope you guys are enjoying your new little life. We miss you!

Jen said...

Congratulations on the move! Good luck with your new life in Nebraska!

Sarah said...

Zaida that wagon driver, that picture is so funny.

Mysha said...

Finally! We thought you might have been attacked by a neighborhood street tough in a wife-beater, but you must have got your own air soft beebee gun, eh? We miss you guys and hope things get more exciting!

Jessica Madsen said...

I'm so happy to see this updated post.

right now i am in Idaho. we finished cleaning our apartment in Logan today, and Justin takes off to Nova Scotia in the morning. I feel kind of homeless (If that is at all possible when you are staying at your grandma's) and I can't help but think of how you guys must have felt after leaving logan but before nebraska.

My grandpa pulled out a map so I could show him where we will be living, and I sat there and calculated the distance between us and Lincoln.

I just think after you guys are done with school, and we are done with school, let's just plan on becoming neighbors so Zaida and Miley and Jo Jo can be best friends.

Did you guys get my e-mail? I only ask becasue I want to make sure I send to the right one.

Sorry so long. After that rambling here is what my comment should have been...

Zaida looks adorable as always. Her pictures always make me laugh. I love the way you pose her for the shot. Captain Pictures, aka Justin would be so proud.

It sounds like you guys have been keeping busy. NO big suprise there. I love the cookie story too. You have a good wife Adam. She's a keeper for making that many cookies for unfriendly nieghbors. I can just picture you guys out delivering them and it brings a smile to my face.

One of these years we will meet in the middle and do the church sites together. Sound good? K, Keep in touch!

Martha said...

That's awesome you're settling into Nebraska :-) I'm glad you've taken the opportunity to see some of the sites too... Nebraska was where Keegan served his mission (around Winter Quarters for part of it) and I was in Missouri and the Liberty Jail so I was especially glad you went there! I was ok w/ you skipping the other sites as long as you went there :-) Zaida is huge and so cute! Glad you're doing so well!!