Tuesday, September 30, 2008


After writing our last post we have had some little problems with Zaida and her lungs, but she is on the up and up and things are looking better. When she was born and sucked in some amniotic fluid, it went into her lungs and she got some pneumonia. Also due to the the fluid, her lungs weren't staying very inflated so the doctor put her on high-flow air, which is a mix of oxygen and something nice to help push extra air into the lungs. She had to have an asperator on her nose and it made her look like a distant relative to miss piggy. Due to the high pressure air being pumped into her lungs to dry them out, they had to stick a tube down her throat into her tummy to ventilate the extra air.

Due to all these tubes, she was unable to eat anything and was just given an IV to help deliver her nutritional needs and antibiotics. The tubes and asperator also made it so she had to stay in her crib and we couldn't hold her, talk about a helpless feeling to just look down at her and not be able to comfort her very well.

She stayed on the asperator until this morning and then was just given a nasal canula which was still delivering a high-flow air. The canula caused her to work harder and tested her oxygen to see if she was able to breath more on her own. She did very well on that and they used another nose canula, but this time-low flow air. Then about 2 this afternoon they took her off the oxygen support all together. It was then that we were finally able to hold her. YEAH!!!!

At about 6 pm they allowed her to have her first meal and she now seems to be sitting fat and happy. We fed her again at 9 with a bottle and will keep feeding her every three hours through the night. Now that she is eating and sleeping better we hoped that she will be able to keep on improving so we can take her home.

This has been quite the experience so far, but luckily we have an amazing doctor who got on top of treating her with antibiotics as soon as he thought she might have an infection that quick action has really helped her progress as much as she has in her first days of life.

Thank you everyone for your love, support, and prayers.

Monday, September 29, 2008

She's here

After determining that she had to make a grand debut in life late, I am pleased to report that Zaida Fern Summers was born this morning weighing in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. As all of you should be interested to see what she looks like I will now post some pictures and then recall the events of last evening.

We weren't able to snap many pictures before the nurses deemed it necessary to take Zaida away to the NICU due to her lack of desire for oxygen. She didn't want to cry when she came out and thus didn't expel all of the juicy fluids she has been living in for the past 9 months. However the doctors aren't too concerned anymore and she shall be fine. Unfortunately these pictures don't show the beautiful long blonde locks on the top of her little noodle.
Now for the story.... Sunday early in the morning Eden thought that she had started to feel contractions. So to combat those she went about her regular activities for the day. We went to church, went and ate dinner with some friends, went on a walk, then at 7 I had to go on visits for the EQ. I came back at 8 and Eden informed me that we should start to get ready to go to the hospital. I wasn't sure that going to the hospital was yet necessary due to the fact that the contractions weren't that regular, of course, I had been gone for the last hour. We gave Eden something to eat and slowly got ready to go, at 8:30 however her water broke and I was then a firm believer that it was go time and kicked it in gear, throwing bags in the car and racing around like a crazy.
We got to the hospital about 9 and then waited until Zaida made her debut at 0453.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My sexy skull

It has been a few days now since the surgery and I must say that I am feeling pretty good. The pain meds that the doctor gave me made me sick to my stomach so I stopped taking them on Thursday night and luckly haven't had any real pain. I believe this is due to the fact that the softball crunching into my noggin also decided it should smash the nerve, so the left half of my forehead is numb. This is probably also the reason that I never realized that the thing was fractured. The doctor reattached some of the nerve endings while I was cut open so I should get the feeling back sometime. The second picture is a nice little image of my head looking down. on the right side of the picture is where the break is. The orbital was broke in about three places and the break also cause the sinus cavity to cave. There should be black signifying air behind the left eye (right side of picture) but there isn't.

This 3D scan of my skull I think is pretty cool. Not only does it show that under all that skin and tissue am I an extremely attractive skeleton, but it shows the break really well. They put a 4cm piece of mesh titanium on the bone secured on each side and then attached all the peices to it. The mesh is suppost to help the bone grow through and be stronger. That is about the jist of it as far as things go here. I will get the stiches out next Friday and hopefully it will be looking good for the arrival of the runt sometime around the 23rd.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What happened to your eye??

With the consent of Sir Jason Denson I have stolen the title to one of his previous, half true stories to tell a tale of what occurred to me on the night of September 2. While playing in a city league softball game I was sliding ever so gracefully into second base when out of nowhere I felt a large hard object hit me in the head right above my left orbital. It turns out that said large hard object was the softball that the outfielder flung at mach speed to the second baseman. Unfortunately for my cranium the second baseman possessed snail-like reflexes thus missing the ball entirely and allowing for the collision with my noggin. Following a few minutes of lying on the dirt I stood up and was asked by the ump if I knew what day it was, my reply was "who cares." I only said that because I was unsure if it was Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday and it was a convenient way to cover up this fact.

I was taken home to my bed to wait out my concussion and shock with nothing but a little ice pack and an ibuprofen bottle. I determined that I would have a black eye and nothing more.

This is what I looked like about 3 hours after the incident. After a night of unrest I went out to my research the following morning and chased cows out of the pastures and down to the corrals to weigh them. I didn't feel too bad so I figured I was well on my way to healing quickly and properly.

As of Saturday I had an extremely attractive shiner that was the envy of all rednecks at the demolition derby, it should be noted that this derby was finer than any derby heretofore attend by myself and received a solid 10. However Sunday the swelling began to go down and there was a noticeable dent in my forehead. Concerned for my good looks Eden determined that I need to go to the doctor so I made and appointment for Tuesday.

The doctor took a look and decided that a CT scan was in order so today I went to the specialty hospital and had the scan done. It turns out that due to the impact of the ball on head I broke the orbital bone above the eye in several places. I was sent to see a specialist and he determined that surgery was a necessity so tomorrow morning I am going in to get a metal plate strapped above my eye. I figure this is a good thing because it will help serve as a shield for future eye on ball encounters. As soon as we get the pictures of the CT scan back I will post picture of two of the fracture only because they look really cool. Wish us luck.