Due to all these tubes, she was unable to eat anything and was just given an IV to help deliver her nutritional needs and antibiotics. The tubes and asperator also made it so she had to stay in her crib and we couldn't hold her, talk about a helpless feeling to just look down at her and not be able to comfort her very well.

She stayed on the asperator until this morning and then was just given a nasal canula which was still delivering a high-flow air. The canula caused her to work harder and tested her oxygen to see if she was able to breath more on her own. She did very well on that and they used another nose canula, but this time-low flow air. Then about 2 this afternoon they took her off the oxygen support all together. It was then that we were finally able to hold her. YEAH!!!!

This has been quite the experience so far, but luckily we have an amazing doctor who got on top of treating her with antibiotics as soon as he thought she might have an infection that quick action has really helped her progress as much as she has in her first days of life.
Thank you everyone for your love, support, and prayers.